

daimafengzi · 7月10日 · 2024年 · · 本文共1796个字 · 预计阅读6分钟25次已读

普通挂载后,重启就会发现通过 WebDAV 挂载的磁盘没有了,也就意味着你每次重启 Linux 系统,都需要重新挂载,这时候需要更改几个设置来实现开机自动挂载



vim /etc/davfs2/davfs2.conf
# davfs2 configuration file 2012-07-19
# version 9
# ------------------------------------

# Copyright (C) 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2012 Werner Baumann

# Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification, are
# permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright notice
# and this notice are preserved.

# Please read the davfs2.conf (5) man page for a description of the
# configuration options and syntax rules.

# Available options and default values
# ====================================

# General Options
# ---------------

# dav_user        davfs2            # system wide config file only
# dav_group       davfs2            # system wide config file only
# kernel_fs       fuse
# buf_size        16                 # KiByte

# WebDAV Related Options
# ----------------------

# use_proxy       1                 # system wide config file only
# proxy                             # system wide config file only
# servercert
# clientcert
# secrets         ~/.davfs2/secrets # user config file only
# ask_auth        1
use_locks       0
# lock_owner      
# lock_timeout    1800              # seconds
# lock_refresh    60                # seconds
# use_expect100   0
# if_match_bug    0
# drop_weak_etags 0
# allow_cookie    0
# precheck        1
# ignore_dav_header 0
# server_charset
# connect_timeout 10                # seconds
# read_timeout    30                # seconds
# retry           30                # seconds
# max_retry       300               # seconds
# add_header

# Cache Related Options
# ---------------------

# backup_dir      lost+found
# cache_dir       /var/cache/davfs2 # system wide cache
#                 ~/.davfs2/cache   # per user cache
# cache_size      50                # MiByte
# table_size      1024
# dir_refresh     60                # seconds
# file_refresh    1                 # second
# delay_upload    10
# gui_optimize    0

# Debugging Options
# -----------------

# debug           # possible values: config, kernel, cache, http, xml,
                  #      httpauth, locks, ssl, httpbody, secrets, most



vim /etc/davfs2/secrets


https://pan.cloud.com/dav user password


vim /etc/rc.local


mount -t davfs https://pan.cloud.com/dav /mnt/H1/ALiYun


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